Thank you for contacting Highstone House
We’ll be in touch shortly.
How it works
1. Complete the form
Tell us your workspace needs and requirements
2. We'll contact you
We'll learn about your workplace needs and arrange a visit for you to view our workspaces
3. Move into your workspace
We'll find you a suitable workspace on your terms
Why choose Highstone House
40 Yearsof serviced offices
We are the leading provider of high-quality serviced office spaces in Barnet and Hertfordshire, with over 40 years of experience.
- 5
Based on 31 reviews
Take assurance in the fact that we want the best for your business, so we'll endeavour to find you a workplace lease that makes sense for you, your staff and the growth of your business. Our serviced offices are spread over two floors and come in a mixture of shapes and sizes that fit around the type of work you want to achieve.
Our Promise
We pride ourselves on honesty and trust, and we promise to provide our tenants with adaptable workspaces within flexible, affordable contracts. By coming to us, your business will be able to effectively create impactful work.